The youngest of the renowned Jonas brothers, Nick became known after starting a band with his brothers Joe and Kevin, and has since been a heartthrob all over the world
Here are 5 interesting things you may not have known about Nick Jonas
Started doing Broadway at a young age
At 8 years old he appeared in a Broadway role with, A Christmas carol. He went on to star in production of Les Miserables and Beauty and the Beast as well
Co-owns a record label
In 2015, Jonas founded safehouse records with Demi Lovato and Phil Mclntyre, with the intention of allowing artists the opportunity to express themselves authentically
Matching tattoo with brother
Nick and Joe Jonas made the decision to get matching tattoo before that 2016 video music award and arrow pointing in the direction of each other on the back of their arms
Shut down a whole store to propose
Nick shut down a whole Tiffany and Co. store the day after Priyanka Chopra 36th birthday and asked her to marry him
Personal guitar collection
Nick is very passionate when it comes to playing the guitar and has 12 of them in his personal collection