How to start aloe vera farming business | Start aloe vera farming business

How to start aloe vera farming business :  Who does not know about Aloe Vera today? The demand for products made from aloe vera has increased in the market. It is most commonly used in cosmetics. At the same time, it is also used in herbal products and medicines. (How to start aloe vera farming business)

How to start aloe vera farming business

This is the reason why Aloe Vera cultivation has now become a profitable deal. Therefore, if you also want to start any of your work, then you can cultivate Aloe Vera. The demand for aloe vera is very high and companies are not able to get high quality goods. Therefore, if a person produces Aloe Vera according to the standards of the companies in the right way, then he can earn lakhs of rupees from it. (How to start aloe vera farming business)

What is Aloe Vera Farming?

Similar to the farming of other basic items, in Aloe Vera Farming, you plant and cultivate Aloe Vera from your piece of land or a plot. There are many people who grow Aloe Vera in their own house, Aloe Vera is known to have various uses when it comes to its medicinal properties and also for the skin. You can choose any location for having your Aloe Vera Farm, you just need to make sure that you make it stay away from water and more exposed to sunlight and heat. Aloe Vera requires a minimum of 8 hours of sunlight daily. (How to start aloe vera farming business)

Which Aloe Vera Variety Is Best?

How to start aloe vera farming business

There are many species of aloe vera, with indigo being the most common which is commonly seen in homes. But its Aloe vera barbadensis species is quite popular. Because this species is currently being used the most, whether it is the work of making juice or any cosmetic item. Farmers also like to plant it more because its leaves are bigger and more gel comes out of it.

How to start aloe vera farming business

Starting commercial aloe vera farming is relatively easy. Because the plants are very hardy and grow in less care and other management. If you are a beginner, then you can learn practically about this business from the experienced farmer in your area.

Caring aloe vera plants is very easy and you can start this business even if you are a beginner. Here we are trying to describe more information about starting and operating commercial aloe vera farming business from planting, caring to harvesting and marketing.

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Site Selection

You can start commercial aloe vera farming business in almost all types of soils. Actually, aloe vera plants can be grown in a variety of soils ranging from sandy coastal soils to loamy soils of plains.

But the plants can’t withstand in water logging conditions. The plants produce best when grown under well drained loam to coarse sandy loam soil having pH ranges up to 8.5. Adequate sunlight is a must. (How to start aloe vera farming business)

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Preparations of the Land

For starting your Aloe Vera Farm business, this is one of the most crucial steps which would decide the quality of Aloe Vera that is produced. The timing for ploughing the field or land is also important to figure out. The following things are need to be kept in mind when it comes to the preparation of the land.

A. The ideal step would be to first ensure all the preparations before the monsoon season. It is seen that most of the Aloe Vera Farming are done right before the monsoon season to ensure the proper growth of the same.

B. The next step would be to separate the soil particles and ensure that the soil is drained well. The salt content and the pH content of the soil would also be thoroughly checked. The pathways or the land should be carved in such a way that there are no issues related to stagnant water.

C. From time to time, you would need to use compost to keep things smooth and also carry a dosage of equal amounts of potassium, sodium, and phosphorous, this would help you for better growth of your plant.

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Proliferation of Aloe Vera Plants

Surely it is known that Aloe Vera is not planted by seeds but rather directly into the soil. The following steps would guide you for the proper proliferation of the Aloe Vera Plant.

  •  The offshoots or the offsets of a Parent Aloe Vera are planted directly on the farm. These are called Aloe Pups which share the same root as the parent plant.
  • After the sprouting of a few leaves from the Aloe Pups, you can remove them from the original plant carefully without disturbing its root system and plant it carefully in the soil after ensuring that there is no contamination.
  • Most of the farm owners put the Aloe Pups in potted soil, and after its proper growth, they move it to the field. You need to be cautious with the number of times you water the Aloe Pups.
  • After around 9 months or so, you would see a full-fledged Aloe Vera Plant with fleshy and thick leaves. You can harvest them after the same, it is recommended to have the harvest only in morning and evening hours.

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Climate Requirement for Aloe Vera Farming

Aloe vera is actually a warm tropical crop. But it can be grown in various climatic conditions. The plants can be grown successfully in low rainfall regions and also in dry areas with warm humid conditions.

But the aloe vera plants are very sensitive to extreme cold conditions. They generally thrive best on dry sandy soils in the regions where low rainfall is expected. They also can’t tolerate frost and cool climatic conditions.

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Where to get training for Aloe Vera farming?

If you want, you can take aloe vera farming training before starting your farming business, but training is not necessary. (How to start aloe vera farming business)

By working with training, there is no scope for mistakes and the risk of loss is eliminated. You can take training in the following ways.

  • CSIR- Central Institute of Medicine and Aromatic Plants This is one such organization which conducts these training sessions at different times. These sessions are conducted state-wise. For more information about these training sessions You can click here.
  • Agriculture Information – This is an organization that conducts sessions for 2-3 days, for these sessions, this organization also charges a face fee. In these training sessions, you will get complete information about Growth, Harvesting and Marketing of Aloe Vera Plants. In this, trained professionals who have 10-15 years of experience will give you practical training.
  • Agriculture Department – ​​The government has opened agriculture department at various places to help the farmers. Where the solution of every problem related to agriculture and farming is available. Different training is also available in these centers for different farming. For more information you can contact the Agriculture Department Center of your district.
  • Online Training – If you want, you can take online training of Aloe Vera Farming from your home without going anywhere. (How to start aloe vera farming business)

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Where to get seeds for Aloe Vera cultivation?

It is very important to choose the right hybrid seeds for aloe vera cultivation. There are many fraud suppliers roaming in the market these days, who are either selling expensive seeds or selling useless hybrid seeds, due to which you can be harmed. So while buying aloe vera seeds or baby plants, you have to choose the right seeds carefully.

If you have a trusted dealer who is involved in the business of aloe vera, then buy plants from him, if you want, then contact the Agriculture Welfare Department of your district to buy good plants and for their information. You can get all kinds of information about each Aloe Vera cultivation from there. There are many other organizations that are open to help farmers, such as India Plantation. We are of the opinion that as far as possible you should buy aloe vera baby plants from government nurseries.

Apart from this, if you want to buy aloe vera seeds online, then click here.

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where to sell aloe vera

There are various companies which are buying commercial aloe vera produce. List of the commercial aloe vera buyers are given below

  • Patanjali Ayurveda
  • Patanjali herbals
  • Aarogya Herbals
  • Ash Biotech Private Limited
  • Lakme
  • Biotique
  • L’Oreal
  • Ell ‘18
  • Himalaya cosmetics
  • Revlon India

Investment Required

You need to invest at least 1,000 USD for the first year. From plantation of aloe vera to fertilizer requirements to irrigation all require money. Labor cost, maintenance, plant species, equipment required, and many more will require a decent investment. The investment maybe less or more but you need to be ready to invest this much. Apart from this, you may also need to investment some amount on marketing, transportation, branding of your cultivation. (How to start aloe vera farming business)

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Aloe vera farming profit

By investing 1,000 USD you can earn the profit of dollar 13,970 USD accordingly.