15 Best way to monetize your website or blog 2022 | How to monetize a website 2022

15 Best way to monetize your website or blog 2022 | How to monetize a website 2022 : You have created an awesome website and want to make money from website. Well, it doesn’t matter weather its a blog or website, you can make money from both. Making money from website or blog is pretty simple. There are plenty of best ways to monetize website or blog, but which are those ways from which you can make money online?

15 Best way to monetize your website or blog 2022

Once you start your home based online business, you can easily able to cover the expenses of web hosting as well as domain, which will help you keep your website up and running.

Many start their online business journey with a lifestyle business idea to just make enough passive income to have a better work-life-balance. However, if you can able to put in more effort then you can even able to make money in 4 to 6 figures on monthly basis.

Today, in this post we will take you through such 15 ways to monetize website or blog which are the best strategies to make passive money. Working on any one of the strategies to make money might require you to spend more time and will also cost some money to maintain such lifestyle business.

Each one of the ways of website monetization listed below require strategies and in-depth research to get started. So, before you move forward choose wisely which one monetization way you will choose to make money from your website. Best blog sites for monetization | Best blog site to monetize | Best way to monetize website or blog | Best way to monetize website | Best website monetization | Best ads to monetize website | Best way to monetize your website | Best website monetization method

15 Best way to monetize your website or blog 2022 | How to monetize a website 2022

15 Best way to monetize your website or blog 2022 | How to monetize a website 2022

best way to monetize website | best ads to monetize website : If you want to start your own blog or website and planning to monetize, then you can use step-by-step guide to start a money making blog at no cost. There are plenty of ways to monetize your website or blog. Each one of the ways have their own strategies and opportunities to make money. No matter whether you are a newbie blogger or a professional you can use these website monetization strategies for your website. How to monetize a website | 
How to monetize my website | How to monetize website traffic | How to monetize your site | How to monetize website with ads | How to create a website and monetize it | How to make monetize website | How to make a monetized website | How to monetize directory website | How to monetize my website traffic

  • Display Ads

One of the most popular ways to make money with a website or blog is to use display ads. This is also one of the easiest ways to get started with monetization. The options listed in this section all have some differences, but in some cases you can simply sign up, ad a piece of code to your website, and start making some money.

Of course, the amount of money that you’ll make with ads is going to be highly dependent on the volume of traffic that you have.

  • AdSense

Google’s contextual advertising solution is one of the easiest ways to monetize a website or blog.

  • BuySellAds

A popular network that manages advertising for publishers and advertisers. Vandelay Design has been using BuySellAds for years.

  • Monumetric 

If your site has at least 10,000 pageviews per month, you can apply to this ad network. Once you’re approved, they’ll set up the ads on your site and all you need to do is keep the traffic coming.

  • Mediavine

Mediavine is similar to Monumetric, but you’ll need at least 50,000 sessions per month in order to apply. Mediavine has a great reputation for earning high CPMs for publishers.

  • AdThrive

AdThrive is an elite platform that can help high-traffic websites to maximize ad revenue. You’ll need at least 100,000 pageviews per month in order to apply to AdThrive.

  • Ezoic

Ezoic uses technology to maximize ad revenue through the placement and other details of ads.

  • Media.net

Media.net is a leader in native ads, which attempt to blend in with your site more naturally than some other types of display ads.

  • PropellerAds

PropellerAds offers several different types of ads including interstitials, push notifications, on-click ads, widgets, and smart links.

  • Outbrain

Outbrain allows you to monetize your site or blog with native ads. The ads link to sponsored content through Outbrain’s Smartfeed.

  • MGID

MGID is another leader in native advertising, placing sponsored content or recommended products to create higher engagement.

  • Adcash

Adcash offers several ad formats including native, interstitials, push notifications, pop-unders, and banners.

  • Revcontent

Revcontent is another native ads platform that allows publishers to make money through content recommendations.

  • Taboola

Taboola is a native ads or content discovery platform. It basically ads a scrolling newsfeed to your site and allows you to make money from it.

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Affiliate Networks

Best way to monetize your website | Best website monetization method : Affiliate programs can be extremely lucrative to top earners, and one of the great perks is that there are affiliate programs available in just about any industry or niche you can imagine. You can sign up to promote specific products by joining the affiliate program of particular companies or websites, but large networks also represent a huge number of companies and products. Affiliate networks make it a little bit easier to manage because you can get all of your links and stats in one place, plus payouts for all programs within the network will be combined.

You don’t need a high-traffic website or blog in order to make money with affiliate programs. Even newer sites with small and growing audiences can start making money by recommending relevant products and services as an affiliate.

  • CJ Affiliate

A huge network (formerly known as Commission Junction) with options to promote products in just about any industry.

  • Amazon Associates

While it’s not really a network, Amazon sells so many different products that their affiliate program can be used by just about any website or blog.

  • Clickbank

Most of the products sold through Clickbank are digital (like ebooks, for example) but there are some tangible products as well. Once you sign up for a Clickbank account, you’ll be able to browse their huge collection of offers and promote whatever is relevant.

  • ShareASale

Another large affiliate network with many products to promote on your site.

  • Pepperjam

A popular affiliate network that provides a lot of detailed reporting.

  • MaxBounty

This affiliate network focuses on cost-per-action (CPA) offers that don’t always involve a sale. It could be an email signup or some other action.

  • Peerfly

Another CPA network with over 2,000 offers available.

  • FlexOffers

More than 12,000 affiliate programs are available through FlexOffers.

  • Rakuten Marketing

A major affiliate network that represents many leading brands.

  • Awin

A popular affiliate network with more than 16,000 advertisers.

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Sell Ad Space

Another way of website monetization is to sell your own ad space to companies who are looking for sponsors from different blogs. Your website or blog could be the one which can offer the ad space and make money from it.

In Sell Ad Space monetization strategy you will make money depending upon how many visitors you will generate each month. Generally, this goes as a dollar amount per one thousand impressions. The more the impressions, the more money you are going to make.

The companies usually, asks you to place ads on the header or on the side bars. You can even keep different prices for different ad spaces when you have high traffic generating website. You can check out ways to generate traffic guide to understand how you can increase the traffic to your website.

In simple terms, the sell ad space allows you to get paid based on how many visitors you get to your website. In general terms, is is quoted as a dollar amount per one thousand impressions or CPM which turns out to be $5 CPM.

For example, if your website generates 100,000 visits per month then the as price comes out to be $500. When your website generates a ton of traffic, the you can charge as high as $5000 per month for header banner ads or side banner ads.

Sell Your Own Digital Products (Such As E-books)

Another best ways to monetize your website is to sell your own products such as digital products or physical products. Most websites usually sell E-books as digital products and makes money per-sale basis.

Apart from this you can also sell online courses in the form of videos directly on your website. When someone buys it you make money.

The best part of selling products online on your website is that there will be no middle man for whom you need to pay a commission. To make more money you need to make more sales. For this you must create an e-book that must be well designed, high quality content, and user friendly for easy reading.

To get payments directly on your website you need to integrate your website with payment gateways such as Citrus Pay, CCAvenue, PayUBiz, Paytm, Directpay, Instamojo, Bill Desk, Atom Paynetz, Authorize.net, Stripe, PayPal, Payoneer, Square, Braintree, WePay, and so on.


Selling products at your own website is one of the best ways to take your monetization to the next level, regardless of whether you’re selling digital (downloadable) products or physical products. Here are some great resources for getting your own shop setup.

  • Shopify

A super-popular and feature-rich hosted e-commerce platform.

  • BigCommerce

Another popular and feature-rich e-commerce option.

  • Volusion

A hosted e-commerce platform with plenty of features like a design customizer.

  • Magento

A longstanding e-commerce platform now owned by Adobe.

  • WooCommerce

The leading WordPress plugin for e-commerce. You can purchase optional add-ons from their store to add specific functionality.

  • ThriveCart

This relatively new shopping cart has loads of features to increase conversions.

  • SendOwl

A simple (yet powerful) shopping that allows you to sell digital products from your existing website or blog.

  • DPD

A simple e-commerce system with features that are similar to SendOwl. This is another excellent and easy option to start selling from your existing site or blog.

  • Sellfy

Another hosted shopping cart like SendOwl or DPD that makes it easy to start selling your own products.

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Accept Sponsored Posts

If you are looking for making money from your website then one of the common ways to do so is to accept sponsored posts on your website. There are many companies who are looking for websites with great traffic and targeted audience.

These companies would love to pay you for sponsoring their posts or content or videos on your website. This is another type of advertisement strategies that can allow you to make money from your website.

This strategy works very well when you have great targeted audience. For example, say a company which offers SEO services for businesses, can offer you post a sponsored post in the form of a review or a video on your website.

You can accept the proposal based on your website traffic and community on a healthy price. The company will love to pay when it knows the website can bring some customers to its website.

Accept Donations

The best easiest ways to monetize your website is to accept donations from your visitors. This monetization strategy is best when your website is doesn’t generating a ton of traffic, but you have a strong user engagement and returning visitors. You can either use PayPal, Stirpe or any other platforms to accept donations.

Even though this is the easiest ways to make money, but its not going to generate more money its a very small and is not a longer strategy in money making. It will support you only for shorter time.

If you are interested, you can make use of PayPal which offers donation buttons to embed on your website through which a visitor can donate money directly to your bank account.

Generate ‘Leads’ for Other Companies

Every business needs leads. After all, without customers, your business won’t survive. You can be indispensable to these businesses – and earn a tidy profit at the same time – by providing them with qualified leads.

For example, if you have a health and wellness website, you could offer consultations with a nutritionist. All you have to do is collect their contact information, and then sell those leads to the nutrition expert.

There are heaps of pay per lead affiliate programs to choose from, or you can reach out to existing business you know and organise your own arrangement.

Stick to brands that are within your niche, and you can make a quick buck. Lead-generating websites can earn thousands in revenue per month, with most leads starting at $10 for each.

Famous Lead-Generating Websites

  • Elle Vest
  • Book of the Month

Build an ‘Email List’

Building an Email List is a long-term strategy for monetizing your website. Its because your email list is comprised of most of your loyal customers and community who would love to visit your website again and again for your content.

Having an email list means a long-term strategy in building the most successful profitable blog for the future.

The main objective of building an email list is to convert as many as new visitors or returning visitors as passionate followers of your website and content. They would love to stay up-to-date on your content all the time.

Such community in the form of email list can help you generate traffic to your website as and when you need.

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Create A Job Board Website

The next way to make money is to create a job board website. Here you can make money from different ways by monetizing your job website. You can either build a end-to-end job portal website that offers job posting, job apply, resume building, screening, and much more services. Or you can create a blog and add job postings to your website.

You can charge employers for job postings based on number of jobs postings per month, you can charge employees for special services such as resume building, handhold job interview preferences, and so on. Apart from this there are plenty of other ways to monetize a job website which you can make use of too.

Create Consultancy Website

This is another ways of making money from your website. If you have specific skills or hired a team of key skilled people then you can setup a consultancy website and offer consultancy services. You can easily monetize your consultancy website by offering consultancy services in various fields.

You can offer them either offline or online via Emails, Zoom, Skype, or any of the best online coaching platforms. With this you can also explore many other ways to monetize your website on your consultancy website.

Sell or Rent Internal Pages

This is another way of monetizing your website by selling or renting an internal page of your website. There are few people who are willing to pay for it as they want to have a specific content to be displayed on those internal pages. This strategy works very well for those who are generating high level traffic on their website.

Create a Paid Directory Website

This is another way of monetizing your website where in you will be creating a directory based website or a directory page or a business page where in you can list out all other businesses in return for exchange of money.

Businesses will pay for such directory websites for listing their businesses. The higher the authority of your website, you are going to get paid higher.

Read also: Top 10 Best Affiliate Ad Networks to Generate Extra Revenue | Best Affiliate Ad Networks

WordPress Plugins for Monetizing Your Site

For those of you who are using WordPress, there are a number of plugins that don’t fit perfectly into any of the categories before. Each of these plugins has it’s own unique functionality that helps you to make money in some way.

  • ThirstyAffiliates

Another free plugin for redirecting and managing affiliate links.

  • AAWP

AAWP is the most advanced plugin for Amazon affiliates. You can create comparison tables, product lists, and feature specific products in an attractive and effective way.

  • EasyAzon

EasyAzon gives you the fastest way to create Amazon affiliate links from your WordPress dashboard.

  • Wp-Insert

A free plugin that will insert ads into specific locations within your content.

  • Ad Inserter

Another free plugin for inserting ads into your content.

  • Ads for WP

Insert and manage ads from AdSense and many other popular ad networks.

  • Site Reviews

Allow visitors to leave reviews with ratings on a 1-5 star scale.

  • WP Review

Write and publish reviews of products and services. WP Review gives you handy tools to make the review look great and to provide all the right information for visitors.

  • FooBar

Add a notification bar with this plugin ($17) to get more attention for an affiliate link or a link to one of your own products.

  • WPFront Notification Bar

A free notification bar plugin that you can use to promote something important.

Display Pop-Ups Advertisements

The best way to make quick money from monetizing your website is to display popups advertisements. Popups are annoying but have the potential of generating high revenues as their conversion rates are higher.

Pop-up ads or pop-ups or pop-up advertisements are one of the quick ways of making money that are in the world of online advertising.

The pop-up windows or pop-up ads come in many different shapes and sizes, which are in the form of a scaled-down browser window which offers only close, minimize, and maximize commands. Some pop-up ads offers fake close buttons to maximize the revenue too. But do remember that they violate Google’s webmaster policies, so use them carefully.